Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Excuse- moi mais qu'est que tu fais?

Last year I lived in France for about six months and during that time I found the most amazing dresses. I was living with my great aunt in the south of France in a tiny village called Grambois. She lived in Paris during the sixties and was very into fashion. Lucky for me I was handed down two amazing Lanvin couture dresses that she had. One of them was tucked away in a drawer in her cellar with a bunch of tools. It was crazy. Anyways, here is one of them!

It was HOT HOT HOT up here

" We interrupt your reading to bring you this important news announcement. The heat beast has paid a visit to the north east and his wrath has caused all young females to rip off their denim and throw on dresses. Yes I repeat, the women on the street all ran into boutiques ravaging clothes racks everywhere. They all proceeded to strip at high noon. The sun beat down on their long flowing hair and they could not bear the thought of sweating. So, they decided to change right then and there. Some were asked to leave establishments due to the no shirt no service rule. Some were kicked out of taxi cabs as devout religious men could not bear to see their skin. Then at around twelve thirty, the chaos had ended. All women were fully clothed and the north east took in a deep breath of ease. Oh no, the breath has brought the cold."

 The weather was incredible in my neck of the woods these past two days. One day I was so hot that I called up my cousin and decided to go and swim. I learned how to do these amazing crunches in the water that make your stomach burn for at least 48 hours afterwards. It was such a nice day out that I decided to throw on this fun plaid shirt and this white wife beater dress and go take some pictures. Let me know what you think!


Monday, April 27, 2009

But above all things truth beareth away the victory

This was taken of me at Bryant Park. It is from the same day as the other picture, but I really love how this picture looks as if it were done by a pin hole camera. The vintage look and the color fade really add to the picture. Love to know what you think.


african dress

 This is an african dress that I picked up at a thrift store in upstate new york. It's supposed to be 90 degrees tomorrow so I thought I would go in the spirit of the weather.

The Rythm

I've wanted a place to be creative. I've been going crazy with junior year and now is finally a time when I really need to write about everything, fashion, politics, school, my life. Whatever. Here is a picture that I really like that I took in New York City.
Boots + blazer were thrifted. Jeans I bought so many years ago. 4 maybe?