Friday, May 22, 2009

Amazing Hey Yah cover.

psychedelic dress pictures continued.. and garden party dress pictures.

Psychedelic dress pictures

sparkly Lanvin dress.

A sparkly vintage Lanvin dress that I found in my great aunts basement. It was tucked away with tools!

First picture was taken with a guy in the far left hand corner peeing. Pretty grubby eh?
Second picture was taken in little india. No one looks at me.

I've got some guts..

It took a lot of nerve to take these photos. I got this dress as a gift from my mom to wear on Halloween but we were in Jersey City and I thought it would be cool to contrast my back ground and be a little political. The dress almost represents a time where there was a lot of racial unrest in America and there I am with many african american basketball players. Two worlds collide? I look out of place. Just what I was going for. 

Monday, May 18, 2009

I want. I want. I want.

The cutest shoes and pants. I have a strange obsession with black. I need to try out new colors, but still how amazing are these pieces. 

Accidental Genius

I didn't mean to make that funny
But it came out so fast I couldn't stop it.
Must be an accidental genius.

Yesterday, I slipped on gook on the lab floor
scattered all the chemicals everywhere.
Found a cure for cancer.

The other week I started talking and found myself writing it down.
After my thoughts were finished
I had a masterpiece.
Published in the times.

In art class a month ago I picked up some paint
Reds, greens, yellows, blues, and black.
Started splattering and slathering.
I'm sort of in the MOMA.

I guess i don't have an explanation
just a series of accidents
I don't know how to explain it.
Must be an accidental genius. 


Are we supposed to live everyday to the fullest
the brightest
the best?
How do i make the mundane

I wonder if all of this is worth it
If it were to end
I don't think I would be happy with today.

I'm working towards the future
but slipping away from the present.

Isn't life too short to continue this cycle?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

did you steal your grandma's sweater? ....Damn Straight.

I got this amazing crocheted cardigan from a rummage sale. Those are high waisted shorts from J-crew and some patent leather pumps. It was difficult moving around in the yard. At least the yard got aerated from my heels.

Monday, May 11, 2009

green green all around

"Bailey, You look like a hobo whore in those tights." Thanks mom.

Perhaps ripping types is not economically smart but it sure does look cool.

I wish I was as cool as James Dean.

"If a man can bridge the gap between life and death, if he can live on after he's dead, then maybe he was a great man."- James Dean

Rock-star Telephone

"I'm in the phone booth, it's the one across the hall 
If you don't answer, I'll just ring it off the wall "